This Mail Art's space, is born for welcoming all those people, that in the name of the art, they want to give a disinterested and personal artistic mail art contribution, in name of the peace and the universal love. Peace, Love, Respect. Questo spazio artistico, dedicato alla Mail Art, nasce per ospitare tutti coloro, che nel nome dell'arte, vogliono dare un disinteressato e personale contributo artistico di mail art, in nome della pace e dell'amore universali. Pace, Amore, Rispetto.
See more .... For you ....
mercoledì 31 agosto 2011
martedì 30 agosto 2011
Janine Weiss - Boudry - Svizzera
Exchange of Mail Art.
The peace and the love, are matters of which we never have to get tired us to speak…… this is the theme of Janine.
Beautiful collage.. Thanks Janine!
The peace and the love, are matters of which we never have to get tired us to speak…… this is the theme of Janine.
Beautiful collage.. Thanks Janine!
Cheryl Penn - South Africa
Exchange of Mail Art.
Cheryl has always sent me his very beautiful, book of artist….. in small format.
Thanks thousand Cheryl!
Cheryl has always sent me his very beautiful, book of artist….. in small format.
Thanks thousand Cheryl!
domenica 28 agosto 2011
Ryosuke Cohen - Brain Cell 796 - Giappone
Exchange of Mail Art.
From Japan, Ryosuke Cohen has sent his Brain Cell - 796, to beautiful artistic job with the collaboration of artists of all the world and the bulletin Orion Soap devoted to the Big Bang.
Thanks Ryosuke!
From Japan, Ryosuke Cohen has sent his Brain Cell - 796, to beautiful artistic job with the collaboration of artists of all the world and the bulletin Orion Soap devoted to the Big Bang.
Thanks Ryosuke!
Moreno Menarin - Vicenza - Italia
Exchange of Mail Art.
From Vicenza, the artist Moreno Menarin has sent two beautiful mail art, devoted to the conquest of the peace...
Thanks Moreno!
From Vicenza, the artist Moreno Menarin has sent two beautiful mail art, devoted to the conquest of the peace...
Thanks Moreno!
venerdì 26 agosto 2011
No Commercial Potential phaze II, the Show
No Commercial Potential phaze II, the Show
dal 08 al 16 Settembre 2011 presso Sale espositive Centro Culturale Candiani
Piazzale Candiani
inaugurazione Giovedì 08 Settembre ore 18
Presentazione critica di Giancarlo Da Lio
Opere di:
A.A.Pedregal, Adalberto Cencetti, Adolfina De Stefani, Ahmet Demir, Alejandro Thornton, Alex Costa, Alexandra Chaves, Alexandra Pharmakidis, Alexandru Jakabhazi, Alfonso Caccavale, Alfonso Lentini, Alicia Gil, Ana Maria Garcia, Ana Spinu, Angela Caporaso, Angie Cope, Anke van der Berg, Ann Tracy, Anna Boschi, Anna Colitti, Annamaria Danese, Antonella Prota Giurleo, Antonello Cantiello, Antonello Mantovani, Antonio Sassu, Atelier Kunst & Ko, Peter & Sven De Ru, Atte Ourie, Aziza Claudia Gibson-Hunter, Azucena Olivares Duque, Baa, Barbara Rapp, Barbara Whitmore, Bartolomè Ferrando, Benjamin Shaw, Bennett Smith, Bernard Klevickas, Bernhard Zilling, Bifidus Jones, Bill Porter, Bill William S. Wilson, Bob Barzan, Bruno Capatti, Bruno Cassaglia, Bruno Chiarlone, buZ blurr, C Mehrl Bennett, Calogero Marrali, Camel O-Rama's,Carl Baker, Carla Colombo, Carla Petretick, Carlo Iacomucci, Carlo Maria Giudici, Carlo Volpicella, Carlos Botana, Carmela Corsitto, Carmelleta Design Inc., Cascadia Artpost - Jack Lattemann, Caterina Davinio, CB James, Cécile Carpena, Cecilia Bossi, Cheryl Penn, Christine Tarantino, Cindy Lou, Cinzia Mastropopolo, Claudette Essiembre, Claudia Ligorria, Claudio Grandinetti, Claudio Romeo, Clem, Clemente Padin, Cleveland Wall, Constança Lucas, Coralette Damme, Corina Nani, Dame Mailarta, Daniel C Boyer, Daniel Daligand, Daria Baiocchi / Luis Fernandes, Darrell U Black, David Dellafiora, David Drum, David Stafford, Deb Wilson, Deborah Davidson, Demetrios Coutarelli, Dewi, Diana Muresan, Diane Bertrand, Diane Keys, Dino Vincenzo Patroni, Dirk Vekemans, Doğa Gülhan, Domenico Di Caterino, Domenico Severino, Don McNulty, Dorian Ribas Marinho, Dorina Monaco, Douglas Galloway, Doyle Dean, Dr. Aldo Sacslei Ministro I ODC, Dragica Ohashi, Eberhard Janke Edition Janus, Ed Varney, Eduardo Cardoso, Edward Kulemin, égo_tek, Elena Guidotti, Elida Taborelli, Elisa Battistella, Elisa Bazzan, Elisa Traverso Lacchini, Eliso Ignacio Silva, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Ruchti, Emiliano Zucchini, Emilio e Franca Morandi, Emmanuele Tremolada, Erni Bär, Ernst Bens, Esteban Valdés, Evie Satijadi, Evmorfia Ghika Rachouti, Fabia Ghenzovich, Fahmi Taib, Fanis Rachoutis, Fannidada, Fausto Grossi, Fedora Coutarelli, Felice Serino, Felipe Lamadrid, Ferdinando Sorbo, Filippo Altomare, Fleur Helsingor, Franco Piri Focardi, Frank Odette, Frederick Epistola, Gabriella Gallo, Gail D Whitter, Gary A Bibb, Giada Ottone, Gianni Donaudi, Gildo Dordi De Vido, Ginger Mayerson, Ginny Lloyd, Giorgio Regnicoli, Giovanni Bonanno, Giovanni e Renata StraDA DA, Gisella Lucci, Giuliana Bellini, Giuseppe Bongiorno, Giuseppe Riccetti, Grigori Antonin, Guido Bondioli, Guido Capuano, Guido Vermeulen, Guvenc Uguz, Güzin Öztok, Heather Miller, Heike Sackmann,Heinz Stefan Bartkowiak, Helen Amyes, Henning Mittendorf, Hong In Young, Honoria Starbuck, Horacio Dowbley, Hugo Pontes, I Santini Del Prete, Imperceptible, Inêz Oludé, Isobel Freer, IttyBittyKitty, Jakob De Chirico, Jarmo Sermilä, Jeanine Ferguson, Jelena Kostica, Jennie Hinchcliff, Jennifer Jones, Jennifer Wunderlich, Jennifer Zoellner, Jesús Manuel Moreno, JF Chapelle, Jim Leftwich, Joan Desmond, Joana Santinhos,John M Bennett, Jonathan D Johnson, Josè Luis Alcalde Soberanes, Josè Manuel Figueiredo, Josep Lluis Seguí Rico, Joshua Wahlen,Juan Rodríguez López, Judith A. Skolnick, Julia Izmailova, Julian Grant, Karen Champlin, Karen Wood, Kate Finlay, Katerina G Armenopoulos, Katerina Nikoltsou, Keiichi Nakamura, Keith A Buchholz, Keith Bates, Kemal Özyurt, Kiera Pannell, Kit Moore, Klaus Peter Dencker, Kommissar Hjuler, Konstantin Kalendaroff, Korolkova Natalya, Krell – Lukha Kremo Baroncinij, Kristen, Kurt Beaulieu, L - plate big chesse, Olga Pavlovsky, La Bande a personne, Laercio Frade Gòmez, Lamberto Caravita, Lancillotto Bellini, Laura Cristin, Laura E Thykeson, Laura Hensley, Laura Sherrill Ligon, Laurence Roberts, Lauriana Glenny, Lee Goldberg, Lesley Magwood Fraser, Liliana Bogao, Linda Renaud, Lino Foffano, Lorraine Kwan, Lothar Trott, Luc Fierens, Luca Squarcialupi, Luciano Fiori, Lucio Pintaldi, Luis Fernandes, Luis Fernando Graça, Luisa Bergamini, Lunar Suede, Mad Madge, Maks Dannecker, Manuel Vaz, Marcelus Freitas, Marco Vincenzi, Margaret Suchland, Margherita Levo Rosenberg, Margit Kupsch, Marguerite Keen, Mari Ruth, Maria Addamiano, Maria Chorianopoulou, Maria Cristina Onet, Maria Da Glòria Jesus de Oliveira, Maria Darmeli Araujo, Maria F, Maria Grazia Galatà / Michele Lambo, Maria Grazia Martina, Maria José Gomes Marques Silva, Maria Matheus, Maria Nicolasa Trivilino, Maria Sousa, Mariano Bellarosa, Mariano Filippetta, Maribel Martinez, Marina Dovrou, Marina Papastamou, Mark Sonnenfeld, Marni Zainodin, Martzi Gerogianaki, Mary Anne, Mary Perly, Massimo Falsaci, Massimo Rognini, Matteo Bellarosa, Mattia Arrigoni, Maura Di Giulio, Mauro Ceselli, Mauro Gentile, Mete Sarabi, Michael Goetz, Michalis Bochtis, Michalis Kotsaris, Michel Della Vedova, Miguel Jimenez - El Taller de Zenòn, Miranda Vissers, Mirta Caccaro, Monia Basso, Monica Gallardo, Monica Rex, Nadia Magnabosco, NANAPDADA Nadia Poltosi, Naomi Healing, Natale Cuciniello, Nataša Stanišić, Natasha Jabre, Nazmi Ismail, Nico van Hoorn, Nula Horo, Nuria Metzli,okadascat, Oleg A. Kisel, Oliver van Peabody, Olivia Niemeyer Santos, Orlando Nelson Pacheco Acuna, , Osvaldo Cibils, Pàl Csaba, Paraskevi Panagiotou, Parys St Martin, Pascal Minart, Pati Bristow, Patrizia Battaglia, Patrizia Facchini, Patrizia Pianini, Paul Cartier, Paul Tiilila, Paulo Bacedonio, Paulo Correia, Pedro Bericat, Periklis Costopoulos, Petala Eytihia, Petra Dzierzon, Philippe Pissier, Pierpaolo Limongelli, Piet Franzen, Pietro Chegai, Pietro Romano Matarrese, PJ Chatfield, Ptrzia (TICTAC), R.F.Côté, RABA, Rachel Fasig, Raffaele Cesari, Raffaella Formenti, Raymond Furlotte, Raymond Hirs, REALNEO, Reed Altemus, Rémy Pénard, Renato Sclaunich, Renee Bouws, Richard Canard, Rita Da Costa, Robert Znajomski, Roberto Keppler, Roberto Net Carlo, Roberto Scala, Rod Summers, Roland Halbritter, Rolando Zucchini, Ron Andrew, Rosa Biagi, Rosa Gravino, Rossella Ricci, Rudiger Abshalom Westphal, Ruggero Maggi, Ruud Janssen, Ryosuke Cohen, Sabela Baña, Sabina Romanin, Sabriye Celik, Samuel Montalvetti, Sarah Grasso, Satu Kaikkonen, Scott Thomson, Sean Burn, Serena Rossi, Serse Luigetti, Shahriarir, Shahrul Sahee, Silva Alliri, Simon Warren, Simonetta Borrelli, Sivia Soares, Skybridge Studios, Snappy, Snežana Kezele, Spyros Kolyvas, Stan Askew, State of Being - Reid Wood, Steen Krarũp, Stefano Fossiànt Sini, Stefano Sbietti, Supreme Bunny Warlord Aka Richard F Yates, Susan Gold, Suzlee Ibrahim, Sved Uwe Dressler, Swinx, Tania Krosse, Theresa Anderson, Thomas Pratt, Tiziana Baracchi, Tulio Restrepo, Umberto S Basso, Valdemar Cher, Valdor, Valentine Mark Herman, Vèro Rigole, Victor Femenìas, Virgy - Virginia Milici, Vittore Baroni, Vittorio Baccelli, Vycki Angel, Walterfest, William Monachesi, Wolfgang Skodd, Xtina Solano
Video di:
Angela Caporaso, Baa, Carlos Botana, Caterina Davinio, Cecilia Bossi, Daria Baiocchi e Luis Fernandes, Dino Vincenzo Patroni, Fannidada, Felipe Lamadrid, Ferdinando Sorbo, Jonathan D Johnson, Joshua Wahlen / Alessandro Seidita, Luca Squarcialupi, Maria Grazia Galatà e Michele Lambo, Olivia Niemeyer Santos, Pierpaolo Limongelli, Stefano Fossiànt Sini
Video performance di:
Anna Boschi, Bartolomè Ferrando,Christine Tarantino, Clemente Padin, Erni Bär, Fausto Grossi, I Santini Del Prete, Jakob De Chirico, Krell – Lukha Kremo Baroncinij, Raymond Hirs, Tulio Restrepo
Musiche e file sonori di:
Doyle Dean, Ferdinando Sorbo, Jarmo Sermilä, Kurt Beaulieu, Rod Summers, Satu Kaikkonen
Evento in collaborazione con;
Assessorato alle Attività Culturali del Comune di Venezia,
Ambasciata di Venezia,
Dodo Dada Arte Postale,
It's Only Mail Art,
Realtà Non Ordinaria,
Orario di apertura:
mattino ore 10/12
pomeriggio ore 17.00/19.30
Per ulteriori informazioni e visionare tutte le opere visitare il sito:
For more information and see all the works visit:
mercoledì 24 agosto 2011
Guido Vermeulen - Brussels - Belgio
Exchange of Mail Art.
Guido has sent me, one beautiful photo of his, with the painted envelope with above writing, a beautiful sentence of the poet american John Berryman.
Thanks Guido.
Guido has sent me, one beautiful photo of his, with the painted envelope with above writing, a beautiful sentence of the poet american John Berryman.
Thanks Guido.
venerdì 12 agosto 2011
Kimberly@Varykino - Linden, WA - Stati Uniti d'America
Exchange of Mail Art.
A new artist in the MUSEUM Graf FOSSIANT - Kimberly@Varykino
The artist has sent me a containing envelope of the objects, a piece of photographic film, a white little envelope, a handbill, some adhesive ones, one enrolls some Bingo, some pages of an old book and two postage stamps… .
Everything this is very beautiful and representative, besides a beautiful postcard has sent me.
Thanks, Kimberly@Varykino!
A new artist in the MUSEUM Graf FOSSIANT - Kimberly@Varykino
The artist has sent me a containing envelope of the objects, a piece of photographic film, a white little envelope, a handbill, some adhesive ones, one enrolls some Bingo, some pages of an old book and two postage stamps… .
Everything this is very beautiful and representative, besides a beautiful postcard has sent me.
Thanks, Kimberly@Varykino!
venerdì 5 agosto 2011
mercoledì 3 agosto 2011
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